Decades of experience at two of healthcare’s most respected companies, building and launching the biggest brands in the industry

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We have decades of experience developing, writing, presenting, reviewing, approving, declining, and implementing brand plans in the healthcare field over the course of our careers. Literally thousands of plans, in numerous therapeutic areas, across the globe and with a variety of companies. Together we have deep marketing expertise with a global footprint, having lived and worked around the world. We have experienced brand plans from the client side as well as the agency side. We have developed brand plans for small assets, rare diseases, biologics, chronic disease, various therapeutic areas, and the biggest and most successful brands in the industry. We have done this with pharma, providers, payers, and numerous other health and wellness companies. We have seen some brand plans sail through the approval process and seen others struggle to achieve momentum. Brand Plan Rx is a compilation of all we have learned after decades of successes and failures.


For this course, we found a couple of excellent textbooks that explained the marketing concepts and the brand plan process. However, none of them were customized for healthcare or took into account many of the industry’s unique conditions and nuances. We also used books that talked about the pharmaceutical industry, but those only focused on pharmaceuticals, particularly on advertising, not the brand plan. Other health and wellness marketing books focused too much on the science, virtually ignoring the marketing of that science.

As we continued working with clients, taught courses, and conducted workshops, people kept asking us what resources would help them write better brand plans for the health and wellness industry, especially in pharma. We struggled to give them a good answer or to name a definitive title, a manual that would inspire their thinking and outline best practices. We realized that there was no simple go-to manual for our industry, no one source that teaches how to write a brand plan by detailing the best processes and practices and sharing real-world success stories and failures specific to health and wellness.

We knew we needed to create a simple cohesive road map to brand planning in the health and wellness industry. Our course bridged the gap between these resources. Over the years we perfected our methodology and pedagogy. Every year, we had students tell us, “Hey, you should write a book explaining how to write a brand plan—then we wouldn’t have to buy three books and do all the interpreting and adjusting.” We heard the same request from industry. Our clients were asking us for additional resources and direction. They were asking for the art and method of brand planning to be consolidated into one reliable source specific to our industry. We eventually felt we had the process mastered and began writing.

Brand Plan Rx is the marketer’s guide to building a thriving health and wellness brand